10 Health & Wellness Benefits of Lavender

A lavender farm in Kansas City, we believe that nature’s gifts go well beyond serving us just a simple herb.

Among the fields upon fields of fragrant lavender, you’ll find an array of health and wellness benefits that can potentially enhance various elements of your life. More than just a pretty flower, lavender has in fact been celebrated for centuries thanks to its myriad of therapeutic properties. From reducing stress to offering transformative skincare, we’re here to uncover how lavender can benefit the body, mind and soul. 

Calming Properties

It goes without saying that lavender is known across the globe for its calming properties – and across a variety of forms too. From essential oils to soothing lavender bath salts, its gentle aroma has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, effectively easing stress and anxiety. 

Stress Relief 

We live in an incredibly fast-paced world where stress often feels inevitable. However, lavender offers a natural remedy to help alleviate the stress of everyday life (alongside any potential detrimental effects). By incorporating lavender into your daily routine, whether through aromatherapy, bath products or herbal teas, it can help promote a sense of inner peace and soothe any stresses you may have. 

A Restful Night’s Sleep

If you’re an individual who has always struggled with insomnia or broken sleep, lavender may well be the answer to your woes! The scent of lavender has been said to improve sleep quality and sleep duration, making it a potential remedy for those seeking a restful night’s sleep. 

Mood Enhancement 

Are you feeling unmotivated or a little glum? Then look no further than lavender, where its light aroma has been recognised for lifting spirits and enhancing your sense of well-being. Whether you incorporate lavender into your lifestyle through skincare and body products or through delicate oils and sprays, lavender can help boost your mood while restoring balance of the mind and body. 

Headache Relief

For those who struggle with headaches, lavender may well help, courtesy of its analgesic properties! This effective natural remedy is known for alleviating tension headaches and migraines, with the simple application of lavender essential oil to your temples. You can also inhale its aroma for quick and instant relief. 


Lavender is beneficial for the mind but it’s also a wonderful addition to your skincare routine. Offering anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, it’s ideal for calming irritated skin, reducing redness and encouraging healing and repair. From acne troubles to angry eczema, lavender-infused products may offer a gentle yet effective solution for all skin types. 

Clear Congestion

Not only does lavender serve a soothing scent, but with its antiseptic properties it also has the ability to clear congestion and coughs. You can inhale lavender as a steam or apply it topically to the chest to reap the benefits. 

Pain Relief

If you’re suffering with muscle aches and pains, we recommend reaching for lavender essential oil. Its anesthetic properties are known to help alleviate discomfort that is associated with sore muscles, period pains and even arthritis! Simply massage diluted lavender oil carefully into the affected areas and experience the benefits of natural pain relief. 

Gut Health

Suffering from indigestion and bloating can be disheartening, but with the help of lavender’s carminative properties it can potentially help to calm the digestive system and therefore reduce build-up of gas, bloating and discomfort. Our Lavender Herbal Tea is the perfect post-meal beverage to aid digestion and encourage tip top gut health. 


From supporting your senses and overall well-being to encouraging relaxation and reducing stress, lavender really does deliver a myriad of natural health benefits. Here at Sweet Streams Lavender, we are immensely proud to farm and cultivate this versatile and beautiful herb so that its properties can be enjoyed by all. Browse our collection of online lavender products here and enjoy everything that lavender has to offer!


Elevate your Culinary Creations with Lavender